Section: Dissemination

Participation in congresses, workshops,...

  • Audusse Emmanuel: SMAI congress, Guidel, France.

  • Audusse Emmanuel: Finite Volumes and Complex Analysis (6th conference), Prague (presentation)

  • Audusse Emmanuel: Conference “Numerical methods for Hyperbolic Equations Theory and Applications”, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

  • Audusse Emmanuel: NumHyp (“Numerical Approximations of Hyperbolic Systems with Source Terms and Applications.”), Roscoff, France. (organizer)

  • Ayata, Sakina: Comparison of biogeochemical models with increasing complexity in photosynthesis formulation : the importance of taking into account photoadaptation in marine ecosystem models. Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research Symposium AMEMR III, Plymouth, England (poster).

  • Ayata, Sakina: Comparison of biogeochemical models with increasing complexity in photosynthesis formulation. Joint TANGGO/Green-Mercator Workshop, Paris. (presentation)

  • Ballesta, Annabelle: “Mathematical Oncology: new challenges for systems biomedicine”, - 57th Workshop of the International School of Mathematics “G. Stampacchia”: Mathematical oncology: new challenges for systems biomedicine, Erice, Italy, Sept. 2011.

  • Ballesta, Annabelle: European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB) Kraków, Poland, July 2011 (poster).

  • Ballesta, Annabelle: “Young Investigators International Workshop”, Rouen, France, April 2011.

  • Billy, Frédérique: “Mathematical modeling of the control of proliferation in cycling cell population” - 57th Workshop of the International School of Mathematics “G. Stampacchia”: Mathematical oncology: new challenges for systems biomedicine, Erice, Italy, Sept. 2011

  • Billy, Frédérique: “Modélisation mathématique de mécanismes de la croissance tumorale”, Seminar talk, Laboratory of Applied Mathematics, Le Havre University, Le Havre, France, April 2011.

  • Billy, Frédérique: “Mathematical modeling of interactions between cell cycle and circadian rhythms” - Mathematics and Biology: Young investigators international workshop, Rouen, France, April 2011.

  • Boulanger Anne-Céine: Conference “Numerical methods for Hyperbolic Equations Theory and Applications” at Santiago de Compostela, Spain (presentation).

  • Boulanger Anne-Céline: SMAI congress, Guidel, France. (presentation)

  • Bristeau Marie-Odile: NumHyp (“Numerical Approximations of Hyperbolic Systems with Source Terms and Applications.”), Roscoff, France.

  • Cheddadi ibrahim: Towards quantitative individual-based and continuum models of cells aggregates, ECMTB 2011, Kraków, Poland, June 2011.

  • Cheddadi, Ibrahim: Modélisation visco-élasto-plastique d'écoulements de mousse, seminar of Laboratory Matière et Systèmes Complexes, Paris 7, November 2011

  • Cheddadi, Ibrahim: Modélisation visco-élasto-plastique d'écoulements de mousse, seminar of Institut Navier, Rhéophysique team, Marne-la-Vallée, November 2011.

  • Chettaoui, Chadha: Towards a single-cell-based model of early development in ruminants, 8th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Kraków, Poland, June 2011.

  • Chettaoui, Chadha: Physically-based modeling of the trophoblast tissue Morphogenesis, Mechanics and Growth of Tissues: From Development to Cancer, Dresden, Germany, March 2011.

  • Clairambault, Jean: Modélisation de la prolifération cellulaire et tissulaire, et optimisation thérapeutique en cancérologie. Seminar Mathbio, LAGA, Université Paris-Nord, December 2011.

  • Clairambault, Jean : Proliferation in cell population models with age structure. Proceedings of the conference ICNAAM 2011, Kallithea Chalkidikis (Greece), September 2011.

  • Clairambault, Jean: Numerical optimisation of anticancer therapeutics, especially chronotherapeutics, with toxicity constraints. 8th international conference of the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB), Kraków (Poland), June 2011.

  • Clairambault, Jean: Modelling the cell division cycle and its control in proliferating healthy and cancer cell populations. Plenary talk, International workshop on mathematical biology, Casablanca, June 2011.

  • Clairambault, Jean: Designing theoretical therapeutic optimisation procedures with toxicity constraints in oncology using ODE and PDE cell population dynamic models. International workshop on mathematical biology, Casablanca, June 2011.

  • Clairambault, Jean: Modélisation de la division cellulaire et de son contrôle dans des populations de cellules proliférantes, saines et tumorales. Seminar “Commands”, CMAP, Palaiseau, May 2011.

  • Clairambault, Jean: Modélisation de la division cellulaire et de son contrôle dans des populations de cellules proliférantes, saines et tumorales. 3e journée d'émergence de l'Institut de Cancérologie Gustave-Roussy (Villejuif) “Modélisations mathématiques des tumeurs”, Paris, May 2011.

  • Clairambault, Jean: Cell proliferation in tissues and optimization of anticancer drug delivery, updated. Worlkshop on Mathematical Methods and Modeling of Biophysical Phenomena, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, March 2011.

  • Dimitrio, Luna: A Mathematical Model For The Enhanced Cytoplasmic Transport -how to get (faster) to the nucleus. Oral Communication at the conference BIOINFORMATICS 2011, Rome, January 2011.

  • Dimitrio, Luna: A Spatial Model For p53 Nuclear Accumulation. Oral communication orale at the conference Mathematics and Biology: Young Investigators International Workshop, Université de Rouen, April 2011.

  • Dimitrio, Luna: A Mathematical Model For The Enhanced Cytoplasmic Transport -how to get (faster) to the nucleus. Poster presentation, EMBO Conference Series on Systems Dynamics of Intracellular Communication, Spatial 2011, Engelberg, Switzerland, May 2011.

  • Dimitrio, Luna: A Spatial Model For p53 Nuclear Accumulation. Oral communication, Young Researcher Workshop on Theoretical Approaches and Related Mathematical Methods in Biology and Medicine, L'Aquila, Italy, December 2011.

  • Doumic-Jauffret, Marie: Novel Applications of Kinetic Theory and Computation, invited speaker, ICERM, Providence (USA), Oct. 2011.

  • Doumic-Jauffret, Marie: Non-Linear PDEs arising in Biology, invited speaker, Edinburgh, UK, Sept. 2011.

  • Doumic-Jauffret, Marie: Mathematical Methods and Modeling in Life Sciences and Biomedicine, invited speaker, Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 2011.

  • Drasdo Dirk: Workshop on Mechanics and growth of tissues: from development to cancer, MPI Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany , March 2011.

  • Drasdo Dirk: International Spring Symposium of the Amsterdam Center for Multiscale Modeling, VU Amsterdam, April 2011.

  • Drasdo Dirk: Workshop on integrated liver modelling, Berlin, Germany

  • Drasdo Dirk: ECMTB 2011 Kraków (invited to three minisymposia), June-July 2011.

  • Drasdo Dirk: Sony Computer Science Laboratory visit to INRIA, March 2011.

  • Drasdo Dirk: 3e journée d'émergence de l'Institut de Cancérologie Gustave-Roussy (Villejuif) “Modélisations mathématiques des tumeurs”, May 2011.

  • Drasdo Dirk: ICMSB 2011 (keynote talk), May 2011.

  • Drasdo Dirk: CNRS-VERIMAG 2 1/2 - day workshop on systems biology, Grenoble, France, May 2011.

  • Drasdo Dirk: Workshop on Mathematical Oncology, Erice, Italy, Sept. 2011.

  • Drasdo Dirk: Workshop on multiscale modelling in biology, Grenoble, France, November 2011.

  • Gabriel, Pierre: Mathematics and Biology: Young Investigators International Workshop, Rouen, France, April 2011

  • Gabriel, Pierre: International Conference on Nonlinear Operators, Differential Equations and Applications, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, July 2011

  • Gabriel, Pierre: SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, San Diego, California, November 2011 [2 talks]

  • Jagiella, Nick: From Data Analysis to Model Parameterization & Prediction of Tumor Growth and Therapy, European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology - ECMTB 2011, Kraków (Poland), June 2011.

  • Lorz, Alexander: Communication orale, SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equation, minisymposium “Models for Evolutionary Biology”, San Diego, November 2011.

  • Lorz, Alexander: Oral communication, International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vancouver (Canada), Juillet 2011.

  • Lorz, Alexander: Seminar talk, Université Paris V, Mars 201

  • Lorz, Alexander: Seminar talk, Université de Münster (Allemagne), Octobre 2011

  • Lorz, Alexander: Invited research stay, Université de Paderborn (Allemagne), Octobre 2011

  • Perthame Benoît: Singularities in Nonlinear Problems, Kyoto, short course 2-5/12 2011

  • Perthame Benoît: San Diego SIAM PDE (conf. and short course) 14-16th nov. 2011

  • Perthame Benoît: Sapporo, short course in the conference “Front propagation, biological problems and related topics”, 6th to 9th sept. 2011

  • Perthame Benoît: Vancouver ICIAM plenary speaker, July 18-22 2011

  • Perthame Benoît: Spain (Granada) Conference BIOMAT 6-8 June 2011

  • Perthame Benoît: USA Providence (Conference for the 70th birthday of C. Dafermos) 11th-12 May 2011

  • Perthame Benoît: Nice (Conf. en l'honneur de C. Bardos) 21-24/2 2011

  • Perthame Benoît: Santiago (Chile) Seminar 3-12/1/2011

  • Sainte-Marie Jacques: NumHyp (“Numerical Approximations of Hyperbolic Systems with Source Terms and Applications.”), Roscoff, France. (invited speaker)

  • Sainte-Marie Jacques: Conference “Numerical methods for Hyperbolic Equations Theory and Applications” at Santiago de Compostela, Spain (invited speaker).

  • Sainte-Marie Jacques: SMAI congress, Guidel, France (presentation)

  • Sainte-Marie Jacques: invited speaker in various seminars (Orléans, INRA Montpellier, univ. Paris XIII,...)

  • William Weens: Invited talk, INRIAbcd, Lyon, France, March 2011.

  • William Weens: Modeling Tumor development in Liver, ECMTB 2011, Kraków, Poland, June 2011.

  • William Weens: Modeling Tumor development in Liver, Séminaire des doctorants, Rocquencourt, France, November 2011.